Wish You Well - Baldacci, David (Paperback)

Wish You Well - Baldacci, David (Paperback)

ISBN: 9780446699488

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Author: Baldacci, David

Binding: Paperback


Following a family tragedy, siblings Lou and Oz must leave New York and adjust to life in the Virginia mountains--but just as the farm begins to feel like home, they'll have to defend it from a dark threat in this New York Times bestselling coming-of-age story.

Precocious twelve-year-old Louisa Mae Cardinal lives in the hectic New York City of 1940 with her family. Then tragedy strikes--and Lou and her younger brother, Oz, must go with their invalid mother to live on their great-grandmother's farm in the Virginia mountains.

Suddenly Lou finds herself growing up in a new landscape, making her first true friend, and experiencing adventures tragic, comic, and audacious. When a dark, destructive force encroaches on her new home, her struggle will play out in a crowded Virginia courtroom...and determine the future of two children, an entire town, and the mountains they love.

Product Information Details
Genre Fiction - Historical
Binding Paperback
Publisher Grand Central Publishing
Publisher Date 04/03/2007

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