The Homeless Christmas Tree - Gordon, Leslie (Hardcover)

The Homeless Christmas Tree - Gordon, Leslie (Hardcover)

ISBN: 9780875653846

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Author: Gordon, Leslie

Binding: Hardcover


"Of what use is one ugly little tree?"

Atop a windswept hill, a crooked little tree stands alone . . . until one Christmas Eve, when an old woman labors up the hill with a box of ornaments, and tells the tree that he is special. He is to be the official Christmas tree for all of the homeless people in the city below!

Year after year, colored balls and garland adorn the tree at Christmastime, but one year, the woman does not come. Will there be a Christmas for homeless? This story is based on actual events about a funny-looking mimosa tree that sits above a busy freeway in Fort Worth, Texas. A formerly homeless woman decorated the tree, year after year, so that the homeless would have a Christmas tree. When she died, neighbors took over the custom and now decorate it for Easter, Halloween, and other holidays as well. It can be seen on the north side of Interstate 30 near the Oakland exit.

Product Information Details
Genre Children's All Ages - Fiction - General
Binding Hardcover
Publisher Texas Christian University Press
Publisher Date 10/14/2008

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