Liberating Sexuality: Justice Between the Sheets

Liberating Sexuality: Justice Between the Sheets

ISBN: 9780827221796

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Author: Miguel A. de la Torre

Binding: Paperback

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For two thousand years, Christianity has been wrong about sex. To this day Christians grapple with defining gender, sexism, heterosexism, and what constitutes healthy sex. Miguel A. De La Torre--noted ethicist and scholar on the intersection of religion with race, class, gender, and sexuality--shines new light on these intimate issues in Liberating Sexuality, a provocative compilation of his writings that apply justice to the most private parts of our lives.

Grounded in biblical scholarship, Liberating Sexuality will help you discover new ways of thinking about God beyond gender, heterosexism, masturbation, and many other topics. Wrestle with controversial topics such as an androgynous Jesus, ethical S&M, and confronting racism in one's sexual preference. Gain a critical understanding of how others view their own sexuality in ways you could never before comprehend.

Product Information Details
Genre Religion - Social Issues
Binding Paperback
Publisher Chalice Press

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