Brigid's Cloak

Brigid's Cloak

ISBN: 9780802852977

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Author: Bryce Milligan

Binding: Paperback

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The wind groaned and swirled that night and likely it seemed to tear
the thatch from the roof. But when the baby gave her first cry, the
wind shushed to a whisper and the stars began to sing.

Brigid's Cloak retells an ancient tale about one of Ireland's most beloved saints. On the day she is born Brigid receives a brilliant blue cloak from a mysterious Druid. Years later, the young girl still wears the now tattered but beloved cloak while she tends her sheep. Is it her imagination that suddenly takes her to an unfamiliar land? Or is it something far greater that leads Brigid to a crowded inn in a town called Bethlehem?

Bryce Milligan's eloquently told story about Brigid is a moving tale of compassion and wonder. Beautifully illustrated by Helen Cann, Brigid's Cloak sparkles with the timelessness of legend and the transcending power of faith.

Product Information Details
Genre Children's All Ages - Sociology
Binding Paperback
Publisher Eerdmans Books for Young Readers

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